Personal Injury Attorney San Bernardino

(909) 380-7200

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Colton Personal Injury Lawyer

Colton Personal Injury Lawyer

Every single day, numerous motor vehicle accidents occur in Colton’s busy streets resulting in unwanted personal injuries. It’s important to promptly inform your Colton personal injury lawyer about any personal injury, regardless of its cause. Their legal expertise and support are crucial in helping you obtain the compensation you deserve. Krasney Law Accident Attorneys, the trusted personal injury lawyer in Colton, has extensive experience in handling personal injury cases. They have established themselves as dedicated advocates for those harmed by the negligence or misconduct of others.

Unintentional injuries result in over 173,000 deaths each year, and they can happen anywhere – on the road, at work, in retail stores, and even during routine activities. Auto accidents, in particular, are the leading cause of death for individuals under 55 in the United States. Shockingly, more than 38,000 people lose their lives in car crashes on U.S. roads annually, making the U.S. the most dangerous place to drive among high-income countries. Additionally, there are injuries caused by workplace accidents and medical errors. According to the National Safety Council, approximately 4.6 million people require medical treatment for job-related injuries every year. Construction sites are particularly hazardous, leading to around 300,000 injuries and over 1,000 fatalities annually. Medical malpractice ranks as the third deadliest cause, with up to 250,000 fatalities caused by medical errors each year.

These accidents could have been prevented if there were less negligence from those responsible. Therefore, seeking compensation through legal means is not only justified but also important. It’s crucial to initiate the process early and handle it diligently to minimize the complexities involved in dealing with insurance claims.

What is Personal Injury Law?

Personal injury law covers a set of legal rules that enable individuals who have experienced harm due to someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or deliberate actions to seek financial compensation for their losses. It operates on the fundamental belief that those responsible for causing harm should face the consequences.

Personal injury law covers a diverse range of incidents, including, but not limited to:

  • Collisions involving cars
  • Accidents involving motorcycles
  • Incidents with trucks
  • Mishaps with bicycles
  • Accidents involving pedestrians
  • Slips and falls
  • Work-related accidents
  • Cases of medical negligence
  • Abuse in nursing homes
  • Injuries caused by defective products
  • Dog attacks
  • Instances of wrongful death

In essence, personal injury law strives to provide a legal framework for individuals to seek justice and receive appropriate compensation when they have suffered harm due to the actions or negligence of others.

Types of Personal Injury Cases Handled

 A personal injury lawyer deals with a wide range of personal injury situations:

  • Motor vehicle mishaps: This covers accidents involving cars, motorcycles, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians.
  • Premises danger: They handle cases where people get injured because of slippery, trippy, or otherwise hazardous conditions on someone else’s property.
  • Medical mayhem: They represent victims of medical oopsies, like surgical blunders, cases of wrong diagnosis, medication mix-ups, and even those unfortunate birth mistakes.
  • Faulty products: They assist clients who have been injured by faulty or dangerous products, making sure the manufacturers face the music.
  • Workplace accident: They lend a hand to individuals who have suffered injuries at work due to their employer’s negligence or having to navigate unsafe conditions 
  • Wrongful goodbyes: We offer kind-hearted legal support to families who have lost a loved one because of someone else’s negligence or downright wrongful actions.

Why You Need Legal Representation in Personal Injury Cases

In every field of life, there are experts who have received training and have gathered experience in dealing with matters arising. This is true for personal injury cases too. Engaging the services of a proficient personal injury lawyer is imperative due to the following factors:

  • Legal prowess: Personal injury law is full of intricacies.
  • Comprehensive damage assessment: A seasoned attorney is adept at evaluating the full spectrum of your damages.
  • Negotiation acumen: Lawyers possess honed negotiation skills, enabling them to effectively interact with insurance firms and defense attorneys.
  • Litigation representation: In the event that an amicable settlement proves unattainable, an attorney assumes the role of a staunch advocate.
  • Peace of mind: Entrusting your case to a knowledgeable attorney allows you to concentrate on your recovery and well-being.

Personal Injury Cases

  1. Car accidents 

Compensation available for car accident victims

  • Expenses related to medical treatment.
  • Compensation for lost wages and the impact on earning capacity due to the injury.
  • Reimbursement for property damage.
  • Consideration for both physical and emotional pain and suffering.
  • Compensation for permanent disabilities or disfigurement.
  • Loss of consortium, which provides support for spouses or dependents.

  1. Slip and Fall Accidents

Causes and consequences of slip and fall accidents

  • Hazardous conditions like wet floors, surfaces that are not level, or insufficient lighting.
  • Negligence in the upkeep of premises, which involves a failure to address known dangers or repair defects..

Slip and fall accidents could result in broken bones, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, or soft tissue damage

  1. Medical Malpractice 

Examples of medical malpractice incidents

  • The failure to accurately diagnose a condition or a misdiagnosis.
  • Surgical errors, such as performing surgery on the wrong site or leaving surgical instruments inside a patient.
  • Medication errors, which encompass administering the wrong dosage or providing the incorrect medication.
  • Birth injuries resulting from negligence during prenatal care or delivery.

Legal recourse for victims of medical malpractice

To pursue a medical malpractice case, it is important to:

  • File a medical malpractice claim within the specified timeframe set by the statute of limitations.
  • Collect relevant medical records, seek expert opinions, and gather other evidence to substantiate claims of negligence.
  • Seek compensation for various damages, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of income, and other applicable losses.
  • Manoeuvre through the intricate landscape of medical malpractice laws and procedures with the guidance and support of a knowledgeable attorney.

  1. Product Liability

Types of product defects

  • Design defects: These are flaws or mistakes in the product’s design .
  • Manufacturing defects: These are errors that occur during the manufacturing process.
  • Marketing defects: These involve insufficient or inadequate warnings, instructions, or labeling.

Seeking compensation for injuries caused by defective products involves:

  • Identifying responsible parties, which may include manufacturers, distributors, or retailers.
  • Establishing that the product was indeed defective and that it directly resulted in the injuries sustained.
  • Documenting the full extent of the injuries and how they have impacted the victim’s life.
  • Initiating a product liability claim to pursue compensation for various damages.
  • Collaborating with experts who can provide specialized knowledge and evidence to support the case.

  1. Wrongful Death

Factors involved in wrongful death cases

  • Proving negligence or wrongful actions that led to the loss of life.
  • Recording the damages experienced by surviving family members.
  • Assessing both the economic and non-economic damages linked to the loss in order to determine appropriate compensation.

At Krasney Law Accident Attorneys, we are dedicated to assisting individuals and families affected by personal injury cases. Our experienced team of attorneys will evaluate the case to provide personalised legal advice that will ensure you secure adequate compensation in time.

Contacting Krasney Law Accident Attorneys

Are you prepared to engage in a conversation regarding your personal injury case? Schedule a consultation with us today and let us help you. 

Contact information

  • Phone: (909) 380-7200
  • Address: Colton, California

Our office is open from 8 a.m to 3 p.m, Monday to Friday.

We understand that accidents can happen at any time, so we strive to be available to our clients when they need us most.

If you have an urgent matter outside of office hours, please leave us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.