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San Bernardino Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

San Bernardino Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

How Can a Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer Help?

  • Case Building: Our team will meticulously gather evidence to prove the distracted driver’s fault, including police reports, witness statements, and accident scene photographs.
  • Insurance Negotiations: Insurance companies often prioritize minimizing payouts. Our experienced attorneys will negotiate aggressively on your behalf to secure a fair settlement.
  • Maximizing Compensation: We understand the full range of damages you may face, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and potential future medical needs. We’ll fight to ensure you receive the appropriate compensation.
  • Streamlined Legal Process: We’ll handle all legal paperwork and court appearances, allowing you to focus on your recovery with minimal disruption.

Recovering from a car accident can be a stressful and challenging time. Let Krasney Law Accident Attorneys handle the legal complexities so you can focus on healing.

Why Choose Krasney Law Accident Attorneys for Distracted Driving Accidents in San Bernardino

Specialized Expertise in Distracted Driving Accident Cases

  • Specialized Expertise in Distracted Driving Cases: Our San Bernardino car accident lawyers have a proven track record of success, specifically in distracted driving accidents. This focused knowledge allows us to navigate the complexities of these cases, strategically building arguments that hold distracted drivers accountable.
  • Proven Track Record of Results: We understand the importance of results. Our team has a history of securing significant compensation for victims of distracted driving accidents in San Bernardino. We’ll leverage this experience to aggressively pursue the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.
  • In-Depth Understanding of San Bernardino Distracted Driving Laws: California has specific laws regarding distracted driving, and San Bernardino diligently enforces them.

Our lawyers stay current on these laws and how they apply to local distracted driving accidents. This in-depth understanding allows us to build strong cases tailored to the specifics of your situation.

Navigating California Distracted Driving Accident Laws

Legal Proficiency:

Our lawyers are well-versed in California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 23123, which prohibits using handheld devices while operating a motor vehicle. We understand the nuances of the law, including exemptions for hands-free calling and GPS navigation.

Legal Strategies:

Beyond establishing distracted driving as a contributing factor, we employ a multi-pronged approach to maximize your compensation:

  • Building a Strong Case: We’ll gather evidence beyond the traffic citation. This may include witness statements, phone records if texting was involved, and police reports detailing the driver’s behavior.
  • Expert Testimony: We may consult accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals to bolster your claim’s severity when necessary.
  • Aggressive Negotiation: We negotiate fiercely with insurance companies to ensure you receive a fair settlement for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • Trial-Ready Representation: We will take your case to court to fight for your deserved compensation if necessary.

Proven Case Results and Client Testimonials

At Krasney Law Accident Attorneys, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial hardship caused by distracted driving accidents. We’re dedicated to securing the compensation you deserve, and our track record speaks for itself.

Distracted Driver Caused Multi-Vehicle Crash: Our client was involved in a multi-vehicle accident caused by a driver reaching for a dropped object. We meticulously investigated the accident and held the at-fault driver accountable, resulting in a settlement that covered all damages.

“The Krasney Law team was incredibly supportive throughout my case. They kept me informed, handled all the legal details, and ultimately got me the compensation I deserved for my injuries.” – – Robert R., San Bernardino

Krasney Law Team Is Here to Help You

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a distracted driver, you don’t have to face the aftermath alone. The Krasney Law team understands your physical, emotional, and financial burdens. We’re here to help you recover and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Car accidents caused by distracted drivers can be devastating. Medical bills can pile up quickly, and lost wages can add stress.

We’re Here to Help You Heal

Recovering from a car accident takes time and focus. Let Krasney Law handle the legal complexities so you can focus on healing. We’ll work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected, and a fair settlement is reached.

Don’t Wait – Get a Free Consultation Today

Contact Krasney Law today or visit our website to schedule a free consultation. We’ll discuss your case in detail and answer any questions you may have. Together, we can fight for the compensation you deserve.

Distracted Driving San Bernardino, California.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020:

  • Nine people in the U.S. were killed every day in crashes involving distracted drivers.
  • An estimated 391,000 people were injured in distracted driving crashes.

These numbers paint a sobering picture of the widespread dangers of distracted driving.

Distracted Driving Accident Trends/Statistics

San Bernardino’s extensive highway system, including stretches of I-10, I-215, and State Route 210, sees a constant flow of commuters and long-distance travelers.

Unfortunately, these high-speed zones are also susceptible to distracted driving incidents. Drivers using phones, eating, or adjusting in-car entertainment systems become dangers behind the wheel, significantly increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Distracted driving is a dangerous and often deadly behavior. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports nine fatalities and 1,000 injuries every day as a result of distracted driving. All drivers are legally responsible for focusing on the road to protect everyone around them and themselves.

Consequences of Distracted Driving

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that distracted driving is a factor in crashes, causing severe injuries, disabilities, and even fatalities. These accidents can impact not only the driver and passengers involved but also their loved ones.

  • Physical Injuries: Distracted driving crashes often result in severe injuries like broken bones, head trauma, and spinal cord damage. These injuries can require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care.
  • Disabilities: Some accident victims may be left with permanent disabilities that impact their mobility, work abilities, and overall quality of life.
  • Emotional Trauma: The psychological impact of a distracted driving accident can be profound. Victims may experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Financial Strain: Medical bills, lost wages, and car repairs can significantly burden accident victims and their families.

Common Causes of Distracted Driving Accidents

  • Using cell phones: Texting, talking, or even checking social media while driving diverts attention from the road.
  • Eating or drinking: Taking your eyes off the road to eat or drink can be dangerous, especially at high speeds.
  • In-car distractions: Fiddling with the radio, GPS navigation, or climate controls can take a driver’s focus away from the road.
  • Drowsiness: Driving while fatigued can significantly impair reaction time and judgment.
  • Grooming or applying makeup: These activities can be distracting and lead to taking your eyes off the road.
  • Reaching for objects: Reaching for objects in the car can cause a driver to lose focus momentarily.

Car Insurance Company Tactics Used to Trick You

While recovering from a distracted driving accident is your top priority, car insurance companies may try to contact you quickly.

These representatives may call, email, or text you, appearing helpful. However, it’s essential to be cautious before speaking with them directly. Insurance companies have a vested interest in minimizing payouts, and their representatives may use tactics to:

  • Rush You into a Settlement: They may pressure you to accept a quick settlement offer before fully understanding the extent of your injuries and damages. This initial offer is often much lower than what you deserve.
  • Twist Your Words: During conversations, they may try to manipulate your words or take them out of context to build a case against you.
  • Deny Liability: They might try to deny any fault on the part of their insured driver, even in clear-cut distracted driving cases.

Navigating the Distracted Driving Settlement Process in San Bernardino / Legal Options After a Distracted Driving Accident in San Bernardino

The Krasney Law Accident Attorney team understands the complexities of distracted driving accident cases. Here’s an overview of the process and how we can help:

  • Case Evaluation: We’ll analyze the details of your accident, gather evidence (police reports, witness statements, medical records), and determine the best course of action for your situation.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Insurance companies often try to minimize payouts. Our experienced attorneys have a proven track record of aggressively negotiating fair settlements that reflect the full extent of your damages.
  • Filing a Lawsuit: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we’ll take your case to court to fight for your deserved compensation. This may be necessary if the insurance company denies your claim or offers an insufficient amount.

How the Statute of Limitations May Affect Your Claim

Every state has a time limit for filing a lawsuit, known as the statute of limitations. In California, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including distracted driving accidents, is generally two years from the date of the accident CA Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1

Mistakes to Avoid in a Distracted Driving Accident Claim

  • Speaking Directly with the Insurance Company: Car insurance representatives may contact you soon after the accident. They may seem helpful, but their primary goal is to minimize payouts. Only discuss the details of the accident or your injuries with them with legal representation. Let Krasney Law handle all communication with the insurance company to protect your rights.
  • Not Seeking Medical Attention: Even if your injuries seem minor, get a medical evaluation after the accident. This documentation is crucial to support your claim and document the extent of your injuries.
  • Delaying in Contacting an Attorney: The sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner they can build a strong case on your behalf. Evidence can fade over time, and witness memories can become unreliable. Don’t wait – schedule a consultation with Krasney Law as soon as possible.
  • Accepting a Low Settlement Offer: Insurance companies often offer quick, lowball settlements early on. Don’t be pressured into accepting an offer that doesn’t cover all your damages. Krasney Law will negotiate aggressively to secure the compensation you deserve.
  • Not Keeping Records: Keep all documentation related to the accident, including police reports, medical bills, repair estimates, and lost wage documentation. This will be essential when building your case.
  • Posting About the Accident on Social Media: Avoid posting details about the accident or your injuries on social media. Insurance companies may use these posts against you to downplay your injuries.

Recoverable Damages for Distracted Driving

  • Medical Expenses: This includes all past, present, and future medical bills related to your injuries, including doctor visits, hospital stays, medications, rehabilitation, and therapy.
  • Lost Wages: If you’ve missed work due to your injuries, you can recover compensation for lost wages. This may also include future lost wages if your injuries impact your ability to work long-term.
  • Pain and Suffering: This includes compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish caused by the accident.
  • Property Damage: If your vehicle was damaged in the accident, you can recover compensation for repairs or replacement.
  • Loss of Earning Capacity: If your injuries permanently impact your ability to earn a living, you may be entitled to compensation for this loss.
  • Loss of Consortium: If your spouse’s injuries significantly impact your marital relationship, you may be entitled to compensation for this loss.

Distracted Driving FAQ(s)

What is distracted driving, and why is it dangerous?

Distracted driving is any activity that takes your attention away from the road while operating a motor vehicle. This includes using cell phones, eating or drinking, adjusting in-car controls, talking to passengers, or grooming. Distracted driving is dangerous because it slows reaction time, reduces awareness of surroundings, and increases the risk of accidents.

What are common forms of distracted driving?

  • Using cell phones: Texting, talking on the phone, or even checking social media while driving are all dangerous distractions.
  • In-car distractions: Fiddling with the radio, GPS navigation, or climate controls can take your focus away from the road.
  • Eating or drinking: Taking your eyes off the road to eat or drink can be risky, especially at high speeds.
  • Drowsiness: Driving while fatigued significantly impairs reaction time and judgment.
  • Grooming or applying makeup: These activities can be distracting and take your eyes off the road.
  • Reaching for objects: Bending down or reaching for objects in the car can cause momentary loss of focus.

How prevalent is distracted driving in San Bernardino, California?

While specific data for San Bernardino might be challenging to obtain, statewide statistics from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) indicate that distracted driving is a significant factor in thousands of crashes annually. San Bernardino’s bustling traffic environment, with a mix of highways and city streets, suggests a substantial risk for accidents caused by distracted drivers.

What are the legal consequences for distracted driving in California?

California has strict laws against distracted driving. Using a handheld device while driving is illegal, with a first-time offense punishable by a fine. Repeating offenses or causing an accident while distracted can lead to higher fines, points on your license, or even suspension of your license.

How can a distracted driving lawyer help me if I’ve been involved in an accident?

A distracted driving lawyer can help you navigate the legal process after an accident. They can:

  • Investigate the accident and gather evidence to prove the other driver was distracted.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company to secure a fair settlement.
  • File a lawsuit if necessary to fight for the compensation you deserve.
  • Handle all communication with the insurance company and legal proceedings.

Contact the San Bernardino Distracted Driving Accident Attorneys at Krasney Law Accident Attorneys Today!

If you’ve been injured in a distracted driving accident in San Bernardino, Krasney Law Accident Attorneys can help. We have a proven track record of success in securing compensation for victims of distracted driving accidents. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case.

We fight for the rights of distracted driving accident victims in San Bernardino. Let Krasney Law handle the legal complexities so you can focus on healing.